This Love Music Video

A collaborative music video with listeners from around the world!

I’m looking to make a music video for my song This Love. It’s a fun song and I wanted to complement it with a fun video - celebrating the joy that’s found in the love of God. I’m looking for people to send me their own short clips, whether it’s a lip sync, a dance routine, getting their friends together - you can be creative with it!


You can see some of my previous videos in this style to get an idea of what to do!

Some guidelines:

  1. You can send your video in either horizontal or vertical format

  2. Your video should be 30 seconds maximum

  3. Please upload a HD clip that isn’t too compressed, and has decent lighting.

  4. Ideally, choose a location that shows your country: maybe a famous landmark, a city scene, a beautiful part of nature, whatever you feel like highlights your part of the world the best.

  5. Keep it short and sweet. Remember that I’ll be cutting the videos down to just a few seconds each so please don’t create a whole storyline Hollywood movie because I won’t be able to include it all (although you are welcome to post the full thing later on your social media).

  6. Please don’t add colour grades or filters / effects. We want the footage to look natural and home-made, not overly cinematic.

  7. The deadline for submissions is March 27th


Below you can download an audio “cue track” for the section of the song you’d like to make a video to (particularly if you want to lip sync). This includes a metronome with a “1, 2, 3, 4…” count in so you can have time to get in position and start shooting your part. Bear in mind everyone might want to go for the chorus or instrumental so you might choose to do a different section for a better chance of getting featured (or maybe everyone will do that now I’ve said it and the chorus is actually the best choice… mind blown.) Anyway, take your pick and download this audio if it’s helpful! But of course you can just play the song yourself from Spotify or whatever you choose.

Submit a video:

Please upload your videos using the Dropbox form below.

Important: include your name, city and country in the file name.
e.g. “Jonathan Ogden Manchester”