The Blog
sharing thoughts and updates on life and music

"Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light.”

Top 10 Albums of 2024
It’s been an excellent year for music. Sometimes I struggle to find 10 albums to put in my list, but this year I had a difficult time narrowing it down from 30+ albums. In the end, no matter how ‘critically acclaimed’ or popular certain albums were, I tried to make a list of the albums that meant the most to me and the ones I found myself going back to over and over.

I find you
Usually I find you in familiar places
The psalms, the hymns and spiritual songs
But through the raised voices and turning pages
I heard a different invitation
This time, I found you outside

To Be An Artist
I always have a hard time trying to write a bio. Do you go with the tongue-in-cheek funny option, the multi-hyphenated multi-disciplinary option, the list of basic facts like location and age, maybe come across as cool and nonchalant by having no bio at all... it’s funny how, when asked to define who we are in one sentence we often opt sharing what we do. Like that’s where we find our value and significance. What we want people to know first is what we do. Interesting.

Living a life that cultivates creativity
Here are 3 things that I’ve learnt over the years about the creative life: Most of my ideas come to me when I’m bored. It’s those ‘in between’ moments of the day. Taking a shower, going for a drive or a walk, riding the train. It’s these moments where our mind gets to run in ‘idle’ mode for a little while…

We Create Because He First Created
God made us to be creative. We were made in his image. Just as he created the Earth and sat back to say “it is good”, we too can enjoy the creative process. There is a joy in using that gift that he gave to us. We create because he first created. Because he spoke life into being and formed the Earth, and light, and sound, and colour, and harmony, we get to play a part in the divine process of creation by partnering, knowingly or unknowingly, with God in the act of creating.