Songs From Home


Along with many places in the world, a lot of 2020 was spent at home. Near the beginning of the lockdown, the verse from Matthew 6 came to mind “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret…” and I took this time as an invitation to return to the secrecy and simplicity of prayer and worship at home. It was a special time, and in many ways felt like a return to the place that I first felt inspired to make music.

I began to write songs from this place. Simple songs of worship and devotion. Songs that brought hope in the mundane moments. Songs of wrestling with all the thoughts and emotions that come from being alone for long periods. In some ways I even wondered if these songs were to be shared. I remember the day when I started to consider recording these songs as an EP. It seemed a little thing, but I thought about how nice it would be to use a nylon string guitar to capture the close, acoustic feel of home-made songs. The very next day, somebody I had never met reached out to tell me that they wanted to send me a nylon string guitar! Within a week it had arrived at my home, and I took it as one of those little moments that God smiled upon the idea of capturing these songs.

While much of this EP was made alone in my room, I was able to work with some great friends to bring an added beauty and depth to the songs. I had the honour of sending the project to Dave Wilton (A Boy And His Kite, Loud Harp) to do the mastering at his studio in Lafayette, CO. Joanne Clara provided cello for Sufficient For Me, Joe Bae added some bells and guitar lines to Love That Never Ends, Shaun Ng added violin to Jesus My Beloved - a song written over zoom with my friend David from Kindred Worship, who also sings on the second half of the song. Amy Lewis also lent some of her photography for the singles and cover art, capturing little moments of beauty and light in her own home.

This is a deeply personal project and in many ways an exercise in restraint. After releasing a beat tape full of layers, samples and various instruments, I wanted this EP to reflect simplicity. I approached most of the arrangements thinking ‘what can I leave out?’ rather than ‘what can I add in?’. Choosing to leave behind many of the layers, techniques and effects I often use on my songs. I hope it encourages people in their own homes, and gives language to their conversations with God. Enjoy!


Future Forever


Twenty Four